Welcome to my new blog! My intention is to make this a forum for the discussion of landscaping ideas and gardening techniques, and I will update it once a week.
The title 'Stone Whirled' is a play on words that my former business partner, local artist John Sendelbach, had suggested for a book title. It always sticks in my mind when I think of John's work. John is the artist that created the Salamander Crossing stone sculpture at the Cushman Common, and the Mill Canal Newt at Mill River Park, as well as the Minuteman Statue Plaza next to the UMass campus pond. All of these installations incorporate a stone paved spiral.
John and I started Whirlwind Fine Garden Design in 1992 while we were getting our Master's degrees in Landscape Architecture at UMass. I have always been inspired by his designs. John created the logos, signs and business cards that I still use. Most all of the shapes used in John's work are organic curves, hardly a rectangle to be seen.
Since 2001, My wife Suzanne and I have been the owners of Whirlwind, as John has been focusing on his art work. Once I figure out how to be a real blogger, I will bring some interesting pictures and ideas to share with the world.